- BSD Grad Requirements
- Beaver Lodge
- Career Ed. Credit
- Senior Portraits
- Senior Quote
- Baby Ads
- Transcripts Request
- Graduation
- Senior Slide Show
BSD Grad Requirements
Beaverton School District & State Diploma Requirements
Course Planning
Subject | Credits |
English/Language Arts
Mathematics - Alg. 1 or above
Social Studies
Physical Education
Second Language, the Arts, Career & Technical Education
Career Development
Total Credits
Beaverton School District & State Diploma Requirements
Essential Skills (State Required Testing)
Testing Options
Reading (read & comprehend a variety of text)
Smarter Balanced / OAKS* reading assessment / PLAN or ACT / work samples / alternate test
Writing (write clearly & accurately)
Smarter Balanced / OAKS* reading assessment / PLAN or ACT / work samples / alternate test
Mathematics (apply mathematics in a variety of settings)
Smarter Balanced / OAKS* reading assessment / PLAN or ACT / work samples / alternate test
*OAKS, or Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, is the name for the Oregon online statewide assessment system. This online testing system assesses students’ mastery of Oregon content standards in mathematics, reading/literature and science. The state uses a testing system called Smarter Balanced to complete its OAKS assessments. Both Oregon law and federal law require that the state and school districts measure student performance against state adopted content and achievement standards.
Beaverton School District & State Diploma Requirements
Career Development (Education) Credit
Personalized Learning
How students meet this requirement
Educational Plan & Profile
All students at Beaverton are assigned to a Beaver Lodge, or an Advisory class. In Beaver Lodge, students will develop an educational plan and profile to guide learning toward student's personal, career and post-high school goals.
Career Related Learning Experiences
Students at Beaverton need to complete four (4) Career-Related Learning Experiences (CRLEs) in order to graduate. Students participate in experiences that connect classroom learning with real life experiences in the workplace, community, and/or school.
Extended Application
Seniors will complete a Senior Project. Students apply and extend knowledge and skills in new situations related to the student's personal and career interests and post high-school goals.
Beaver Lodge
Beaver Lodge meets every other day on "B" Days at Beaverton High School. Students are assigned a Beaver Lodge teacher. Beaver Lodge provides all students with supports, opportunities, and enrichment in a variety of areas in order to increase their academic achievement, promote personal growth, and personalize their overall educational experience. Beaver Lodge offers tremendous opportunities for students to access numerous supports. A few examples of these supports include:
- Advisory activities that will help students build relationships, make connections, support academic progress, and teach life-long skills
- Time to receive support from current classroom teachers
- Structured time to complete assigned work
- Access to program case managers (Special Education, English Language Learners)
- Tutorial sessions lead by teachers, instructional assistants, or peer tutors
- Small group study sessions with peers
- Time for collaborative work on class projects
- Preparation in advance of state testing and Advanced Placement testing
- Preparation for required Senior Projects
- Meet required StEPP learning targets
Other activities that may take place during Beaver Lodge are school announcements, assemblies, and LINK activities.
Career Ed. Credit
Senior Portraits
Senior Quote
Each Senior from the Class of 2024 has the opportunity to submit a quote. If you choose to submit a quote, you must follow our guidelines. Mr. Kearl, Mrs. Holt, or the yearbook team will have the final word on appropriateness.
Use this link or the URL below:
- Your quote must be school appropriate; no put-downs, profanity, innuendos, inside jokes, or rude implications.
- If you are quoting someone else, you must include the author’s name.
Baby Ads
Transcripts Request
Beaverton High School Transcripts
Official transcripts are now available through Please use the button below to log in and then establish your account using your personal email address. The first 5 transcripts are free to current BHS students, and $5.95 each after that. If you are applying using the common application and your counselor is sending a counselor recommendation letter for you through the common application, your counselor will also send your transcript electronically to all your common application schools. If you are applying to state schools, or schools that do not require a letter of recommendation from your counselor, (with the exception of the University of Oregon and Oregon State University which now use the common application) YOU are responsible for requesting a transcript from
You are required to send your official test scores directly from the testing agency, or
Note: A copy of your final official 8th semester BHS transcript will need to be sent to the college you plan to attend in the fall. It is your responsibility to request that transcript through Final transcripts will be ready to send by TBD.
IMPORTANT: All off-campus credits, especially correspondence courses required for graduation, must be submitted by the end of May or they will not appear on the transcript and you will not be able to participate in graduation.
Graduating Class of 2025
Save the date: Mark your calendars: This year’s graduation will be held at 7:00 PM on Monday, June 9th at PSU. More details will follow as we get closer to the date.
School | Beaverton HS |
Date/Time | 6/9/25 @ 7:00pm |
Location | PSU |
Address | 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201 |
School Point of Contact | Raquel Moran Huerta |
TSS Support Contact | |
Youtube Channel URL | |
Stream Event URL | |
Commencement Program |
Graduation Day Informational Video
Slide show: Everything You Need to Know about the Remainder of the Year
Important dates for seniors:
- Senior Class Picture: Monday, April 29th, during BL, Main Gym
- Informational Assembly: Monday, May 13th, during BL, Auditorium
- Deadline to submit pictures for Senior Slideshow is Friday, May 17th. Submit to
- Jostens Cap & Gown Delivery: Tuesday, May 21st, both lunches, Upper Cafeteria
- Paper Toss, Tuesday, June 4th, 2:30 pm, Lower Cafeteria
- Last day for seniors: Wednesday, June 5th
- Senior Breakfast: 6:30-7:30 am, Lower Cafeteria
- Graduation Practice: 8:00 am, Main Gym
- Senior Assembly: 9:00 am, Main Gym
- Senior Slideshow: ~10:15 am, Auditorium
- Pick up graduation tickets, ~10:45 am, Auditorium Lobby
- Seniors leave campus, 11:00 - 11:15 am
Mark your calendars for the Class of 2024 Graduation at BHS on Saturday, June 8 from 6-8pm in the stadium - Rain or Shine.
It's time to order your cap 'n gowns. Please use this link to go directly to the order page. Items will be distributed in April at the school.
Seniors and Families, please read the entire Grad Guide to prepare yourself for our graduation ceremony.
English, Grad Guide
Español, Grad
Arabic, Grad Guide
Class of 2024!
Visit the Grad Night web page and get registered for Beaverton Grad Night!
Or visit:
Get your tickets now. Price is $75 and you can purchase a yard sign with your registration for $15.
Prices go up April 25th, so don’t delay
(Prices go up to $85, yard signs will be $15)
Please reach out to your school counselor if you are in need of a scholarship.
Grad Night is a volunteer group of parents and community members who work to provide a safe place for our graduating seniors to gather and celebrate on graduation night.
Grad Night Party is an event sponsored by the Grad Night Committee and is not affiliated, supported, endorsed, or sponsored by the Beaverton School District.
Senior Slide Show
Senior Parents-
We are beginning to develop the 2024 Senior Slideshow. This is a BHS Tradition that celebrates the growth that our Seniors have made during their time together. We are looking to collect as many pictures as we can in order to represent EVERY graduating senior in the class of 2024. We ask that all photos be shared with us digitally.
We ask for photos to be shared that:
- Are of a high resolution (300 pixels/inch or greater)
- Include the name of the student(s) that are in the photo using comments.
- Group shots are preferred but we will also take individuals
- We would love to have photos that span the entire range of school (elementary, middle, high)
- If you have any videos that could be fun to include, we'd love to have access to those as well.
Please understand that we may not use all photos shared. We try to include as many seniors as possible and to keep the slideshow to about 25-30 minutes. The slideshow will be held on the Seniors' Last Day immediately following the Senior Awards Assembly in the Auditorium.
How to share:
Coming soon…
- Drop photos in the shared google album (Go to for help on where to click and what file types are supported through the google album)
- Email photos to
This is a hard deadline as we need to have time to cross-check the students who are represented, as well as put the entire show together. Please submit as soon as possible.
Please do not share physical copies of photos. These are your memories and we want them to remain in your possession. There are stores that can scan and produce digital versions if you need to have them done that you can share with us.
You can see a previous year's video here:
Jason Sarmiento
Activities Director
LINK Crew Coordinator